Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade - Beliefs

The Eternal Yahweh our Almighty Sovereign is one, Deut. 6:4. There is no other
Power but He alone, Isaiah 44:6. Yahweh does not share creation with
any other power, neither does He inform any other of His intent.

The Creator does not share His power
or glory with any other being,
Isaiah 42:8.

Compare a typical Christian Statement of belief Biblically corrected by us here

Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade - Biblical Summary Statement of Belief is here
Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade - Biblical Extended Statement of Belief is here

Yahweh (
YHWH) the Almighty Sovereign Creator is one, Deuteronomy 6:4. He is falsely called 'LORD' in many English Bible translations. The name Yahweh means 'He-Is, or He-Exists'. There is no other Power but He alone, Isaiah 44:6. He has existed from all eternity past along with all that He has created, including His heavenly host, the celestial beings (aka angels). Yahweh's existence had no beginning and has no ending. He has no equal either in the Heavens, in the vast and endless Universe, or on any of the habitable Planets, Isaiah 42:5. Yahweh does not share His power or glory with any other entity in His creation. Yahweh alone possesses omnipotence, Isaiah 42:8.

Yahweh, the ONLY Almighty is Defined here
Use the internet to decipher Greek Bible words to check English Translations here
Use the internet to decipher Hebrew Bible words to check English Translations here

To Yahweh only we must address ourselves, to be consoled in our sorrows, in our joys, He only is to be worshipped and He only deserves our praise. Whosoever desires to petition Him by prayer will not be denied. The secrets of nature and science are possessed by Him, for as the Creator, the Universe exists in the depth of His divine expression (the Logos). Everything exists by His will and according to His desire. When we address ourselves to Him in prayer, we must become like children speaking to a Father. For we do not know the past, the present, or the future; but we believe that the Almighty is the Master of time.

Find more information on the Almighty one defined here.

The Flag (Ensign) that represents 'True' Israel -

is described here. click here to view, it is free to copy The Jewish flag that has the so-called Star of David is NOT the flag of True Israel. The Flag of 'True' Israel has a dark blue background that represents the borderless and endless Universal domain of The Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Yahweh. The 12 Stars (3 on each red bar) represents the 12 original tribes. The red cross bars represent the 4 Brigades of the dominant tribes of Yahudah, Dan, Ephraim and Reuben, see Numbers 2:1-31. Each Brigade is pointing to the common blue center. The 'center of the Flag' is in the shape of a dark blue (+) and is the ancient Hebrew sign for a mark, or a signature of agreement between Yahweh and His people. The flag does not represent the Christian 'cross' (the pagan letter (T) 'taw'. True Israel is a "set-apart" people eternally and spiritually marked by Yahweh, the Almighty Sovereign Creator of all that exists, True Israel (all those that become Covenant keepers become a chosen people that have a Covenant/Contract relationship with the Almighty, Deuteronomy 5:32-33.

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