Free Documents

The Bible was written by men, some of them were inspired by Yahweh, but others not. Some
stories and events in the Bible are not real, and some violate Yahweh's created science,
some are 'folk-tales' - interesting, but not based on any logic or reason.

For great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised: For all the
gods of the peoples are idols;
Psalm 96:4, But Yahweh
made the heavens.
Psalm 96:5.

Free Documents for Bible Study

Yahwism or Israelism are two similiar religious terms
that define the original Biblical belief of monotheism.

Yahwists - Israelists believe that the Bible teaches
that the Almighty Sovereign
Yahweh only is Saviour

Our basic
Statement of Belief is not found in
Christian Churches. It does however come from the Bible

It is very important to know the historical
Approximate dates of the Hebrew and Greek Bible Books

Yahwism vs Christianity. The difference between
Biblical Yahwism and Roman Christianity is significant.

The word "God" is a very generic word: however, the Bible's
God named "Yahweh" is not generic; it's specific.

Our Creator
Yahweh is incorporate, meaning that
He is not physical, is not divisable into three persons.

The God (Almighty) defined in the Hebrew Bible is
not the same as
the God fabricated by Christianity.

We do not believe in all the required statements outlined in
Christian Doctrine, so who are we?
Click here

Many of the opinions developed by the Pharisee Paul/
Saul of the NT, is now known as
Pauline Christianity.

There are many problems with Paul/Saul although
he might on occasion have some things right.

Paul/Saul made many errors in his religious
belief; therefore he is
Paul a false Apostle.

The question for you, after you have learned
about Paul, is are you going to
believe Yahshua or Paul?.

You have been told, that everything written in the Bible
is true, but the fact is
not all in the Bible is inspired.

It is a fact, the Bible was written by men, not all were
inspired. Some traditions like
Christmas is pagan.

To keep us from believing things not taught in the
Bible, we must prove all, and must
test all prophets.

Christians are told Yahshua (Jesus) was a sacrifice
for sin, but Yahweh says
Human sacrifice is forbidden

What was the sacrifice system all about? Very simply
it's an ancient payment system -
Sacrifices explained.

Did Yahweh really tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to
test him? No, read:
who told Abraham to sacrifice

Here is a document that is part of our statement of Belief, and
is about
Redemption-Deliverance/eternal life.

The NT uses the phrase
"Kingdom of God" 69 times
and "of heaven" 32 times; it's Yahshua's first mission.

Many Christians understand that Yahweh made a
Covenant/contract with ancient Biblical Israel.

Many Christians believe there is now a New Covenant
or Contract, but the truth is
The Covenant is not New.

Christians are told that "faith" is the requirement one
must have to be saved. The Bible however says its

Christians are told that Jesus is coming again to be
a ruler over the earth, but
is Jesus in prophesy? No.

Yahshua (Jesus) was asked by his Apostles to teach
how to pray.

Here is how to compare the
Old Testament vs the New.

In this document we offer
helps to study the Bible.

Yahshua was a son of Yahweh; we, like him, become
brother or sister by doing the Father's will.

A comparison of

The (god-man)
myth of the virgin birth.

The biggest false teaching found in Christianity is
the Trinity. The Bible teaches
Jesus is NOT God.

How the
New Testament Cannon (beliefs) developed.

How in the New Testament Yahshua evolved into "Jesus"

The only
Bible that Yahshua (Jesus) used.

Suggestions about
Bible translations,which to use

Many Christians have been led to believe the "End times"
(after some 2,000 years) are near. True? No, it is a result of many
End-time prophesy mistakes.

Another of those deceptive beliefs, developed from the
false want-to-be Apostle Paul/Saul of false and dangerous
beliefs is the
"Left Behind deception."

Marcion, Roman Catholics and others have
contributed toward the corruption of modern Christianity

The "New Testament" Bible of today is translated to
support preconceived beliefs.
The misunderstood Bible

The Assembly vs the Church

This page gets revised and updated on a regular bases, please return to it often.

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